
Posts Tagged ‘Education’

 ICPICThere were over 400 posters on display at ICPIC 2013, and it took me almost 2 days to visit them all, spread as they were over all the floors of the CICG.

The next few blog posts will briefly review a few of these posters, the ones which struck a chord with me in terms of how they related to my current work (dissertation), and perhaps how they may offer direction/influence my future plans. As such they are predominantly on the topic of Hand Hygiene (no surprise!), with the first two looking at education  – to be followed next by a discussion of the WHO 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene.


Kaur et al – Poster 143; Poster 145

Kaur et al #1

Kaur et al P143

– Key findings of interest –

Their finding ties in with an emergent theme in my own work, and one which I am hoping to develop further in my future work.

I call it the “Buckaroo Hypothesis”, which in brief suggests that the topic of Hand Hygiene education needs further review to avoid Healthcare Professionals rejecting it as a concept that needs teaching. Responses from interviews from my research included classic phrases such as “…of course I’d wash my hands when I’ve got blood on them and stuff”.  The idea that education or prompting may be required was not always perceived positively.

My work involves the investigation of behavioural aspects of Hand Hygiene – Inherent and Elective components – which appear to affect the likelihood of Hand Hygiene occurring.  Understanding that some Hand Hygiene maybe more “automatic” than others may prove a gateway to discussing Hand Hygiene in a way that is more engaging to both medical students and other Healthcare Professionals.  Inherent and Elective Hand Hygiene is the basis of my 3rd Study, and you can find out more information here.

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